What we need to realize is that there's a huge metropolitan city/country divide now. Several generations of city folk that are completely removed from reality and live in a high tech world. They cannot wait to be plugged into the system. To them it's the future. They embrace it wholeheartedly! Cocooned in their downtown apartments, absorbed in their virtual worlds, they are almost completely ignorant about climate and consequently they've bought the anthropogenic climate change lie lock, stock and barrel. There is no questioning it. To them it's a done deal and anyone with an alternative opinion is a laughing stock. That's what we're up against. I've recently been in London and this has been my experience. Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth! It's become pretty obvious that Klaus Schwab borrowed his globalist censorship and propaganda campaign from his 1945 era compatriots and his global-governance/people-control model from communist China.
Last Edit: Dec 10, 2022 17:55:11 GMT -6 by Bigtalk
I haven't got any links to hand but go have a look for "15 minute cities". Basically once everyone is herded into the "smart cities" everything a person would ever need would be within 15 minutes of "their" home. I can't think of anything worse than spending ones entire life in a 30 minute circle, dystopia here we come!!
^ That is a horrible way to live. Can you imagine what it will be like when our population doubles to 16 billion by 2050-2100 period. I still remember as a kid when we were under 4 billion. Something has to change soon. "population change" is more important than the so called climate change rhetoric we hear all the time.
I would be surprised if the world population increases a whole lot as well. There are a lot of countries where the birth rate is well below 2.3 children per couple. This is the rate needed just to maintain the population, never mind increasing it.
Government policy is what is fueling the population increase. I think that is called irony. Government warns of overpopulation and global warming because of more people. Canadas population stopped increasing so government immigration fixes it while inflating housing demand and all consumption. Meanwhile the places where the people are moved from are free to breed more because the resources are still there to support the same population before governments started moving people out.
Kind of like the banks want to have green policies and track carbon use and such to save the planet. Meanwhile they have dropped interest rates to negative for over a decade, fueled a massive consumption boom (not environmentally friendly) then go on to say the banks should have more power to be stewards of all.
Good post RRH. This is the bottom line of things and understanding the symbolism and numerology that they so frequently use will reveal that our nations were in fact controlled by freemasons or whatever name they choose to go by since probably near the beginning. The fingerprints are baked into the cake so-to-speak, all over governments/big business/churches/etc. Further to the Washington monument I believe that the elevation at the tip is 666' above sea level and that number as well as 33 is found all over the place if one cares to look, but please remember that you won't find any truth on weighty matters in wikapedia or a google search.
Now to entertain this is actually going on doesn't likely jive with the life goals of the average person, and maybe it deserves some research since it could impact every single person's life in a huge way very soon.
It would take a long time to explain this but recently someone sent me a video that actually rolls all of this into a very good package that connects a LOT of dots. I had not watched anything else from this channel so can't say if I agree or endorse other stuff, and to be honest everything in this video is probably not right either. It does give a very logical take on what we have been seeing certainly over my lifetime and what I know about the past. I would encourage guys to give it a view, and make sure to watch it as the visuals are almost saying more than what the narrator is.
That was a good summary video. While I don't know about the height of the Washington Monument above sea level being 666 ft, it is certainly a bizarre Monument that gets examined in the detail of its height. This Monument is 555.5 feet for all intents and purposes. With 12 inches in a foot, it is 6,666 inches. If it was intended to be 555 feet that makes 6660 inches! All interesting!
Even the symbol used for the UN is 32 segments with 1 center - 33 in total!
Last Edit: Dec 12, 2022 12:57:45 GMT -6 by runninredhard: Another symbol
I would be surprised if the world population increases a whole lot as well. There are a lot of countries where the birth rate is well below 2.3 children per couple. This is the rate needed just to maintain the population, never mind increasing it.
I thought "the jab" was gonna kill everyone. And a very large percentage have taken it. Hmmm.
Good post RRH. This is the bottom line of things and understanding the symbolism and numerology that they so frequently use will reveal that our nations were in fact controlled by freemasons or whatever name they choose to go by since probably near the beginning. The fingerprints are baked into the cake so-to-speak, all over governments/big business/churches/etc. Further to the Washington monument I believe that the elevation at the tip is 666' above sea level and that number as well as 33 is found all over the place if one cares to look, but please remember that you won't find any truth on weighty matters in wikapedia or a google search.
Now to entertain this is actually going on doesn't likely jive with the life goals of the average person, and maybe it deserves some research since it could impact every single person's life in a huge way very soon.
It would take a long time to explain this but recently someone sent me a video that actually rolls all of this into a very good package that connects a LOT of dots. I had not watched anything else from this channel so can't say if I agree or endorse other stuff, and to be honest everything in this video is probably not right either. It does give a very logical take on what we have been seeing certainly over my lifetime and what I know about the past. I would encourage guys to give it a view, and make sure to watch it as the visuals are almost saying more than what the narrator is.
That was a good summary video. While I don't know about the height of the Washington Monument above sea level being 666 ft, it is certainly a bizarre Monument that gets examined in the detail of its height. This Monument is 555.5 feet for all intents and purposes. With 12 inches in a foot, it is 6,666 inches. If it was intended to be 555 feet that makes 6660 inches! All interesting!
Even the symbol used for the UN is 32 segments with 1 center - 33 in total!
That monument is 169m tall. And 69 is awesome. So leave it alone.
Plus 6666 doesn't mean anything. 666 is the one you're supposed to be scared of but shouldn't be cuz it's just a number. Plus the base of that monument is 39 feet above sea level which makes it 594.5 feet tall, not even close to 666. I mean f*ck, do you people just look for things to be scared of? Seriously, go book an appointment with a therapist, you're going nuts.
I have more concerns with rapidly developing AI then anything. We're going to fight those things some day. Stupidity plus arrogance will get us SKYNET.
When I posted about the elevation of the Washington monument it had been a long time since I had looked into it and I made a mistake. It has nothing to do with the elevation but the foundation when built was 111' and the structure is 555'. Simple math gets you to a very pertinent number from there. The whole design and layout of DC is in a very deliberate pattern, as is the vatican.
Right now it takes more faith to believe that the people in the high places of this earth actually care about the regular folk than what we are presenting here. Choose wisely.